Route map for Up The Rincon Long Run by Josh Spiker on
This is a standard run up the coast in Ventura. Starting at the pier (or in front of Aloha Steakhouse), you run north, along the coast, for as long as you want. Basically you head north on the promenade, stay on the trail as it veers right, turn right at the Ventura River Trail, turn left and cross the bridge at Main Street. then go out as far as you want.
Bathrooms are available at the parking structure. You will also find portable toilets along the way...the cleanest are at the Rincon Highway Campsites. Some people stash water somewhere along the trail for replenishment.
After the run, a great treat is to hit up Beach House Tacos for some post run nutrition.
Parking: You can park in the parking structure or at the state beach for a fee. There are also free lots that have parking available if you start early enough. Another option is to park at San Jon and start your run half a mile before the pier.